Spending holidays at home can also be relaxing

Ready, steady, gooooo!


Hello our dear Mummelmouse fans,

Starting with the holiday season, Mummelmouse presents her first “KLEIN” idea for young and old. Not all of us can or even want to go away for a holiday during summer
A long drive or flight with children can be very exhausting. “Mum, are we going to be there soon?”

So, why don’t you just spend your holidays with the whole family at home, in the garden? With just a little bit of creativity, “staying at home” does not have to be boring.

Involve the whole family in your planning and then you all create together your own great week full of experience. Here are some simple ideas that can be easily realised with children:

An outdoor sleepover can be a real adventure for the children.

Take old sheets, blankets and pillows to build beautiful tents and caves during the day. This hideout is also the perfect setting for horror stories at night. “Buhh!” Mummelmous has scared us pretty well.

“We are hungry!“ – Who doesn’t know that happening?

First, the children forget to eat while playing but then suddenly everything has to be prepared at once.
How about preparing a summer picnic with your children and spending the day in the park.
Everyone can help with the preparation and the children can even learn handling the kitchen utensils in a playful way.
No matter it is a home-made bread with cheese, ham or spread, or rather fresh and healthy fruits like watermelon or peaches – there are no limits to the variety or your wishes.

Now, dear parents … take deep breaths!

Having had so much positive excitements and great experiences, the kids could now also play on their own.
There could be a lot of fun and action with the Aqua Action Starter Set, made in Germany, which turns every sandpit into an adventurous paradise.

Let the water flow!

The individual parts can be combined in many different ways, so there are no limits to the children’s creativity. While they are playing, the parents can enjoy an undisturbed time in the sun, lying in a deck chair or maybe they want to join their children playing in the mud.
Also for everyone going to the beach, the Aqua Action Set is the perfect toy.

The whole team of Theo Klein and I wish you all a sunny month and a plenty of time with the family. Next month, we come back again with a new “Klein” idea for old and young.

Your Mummelmouse