Pea soup with sausages

​Hello my friends,

In my family, there is the same question every day:
What are we going to cook today?

I love eating and I could eat all day long, especially sausages are so delicious. But as my mummy says: “Fresh vegetables are really important!” I am going to tell you a recipe for a pea soup with a lot of vegetables (and of course, with some sausages 😛 )

Here are the ingredients you need:

  • 1kg peas, frozen
  • 5 carrots, large
  • 5 potatoes, large
  • 1 ½ l vegetable consommé
  • Parsley, frozen or fresh
  • 4 sausages
  • some salt and sugar

! First of all: To prepare the soup, you definitely need the help of your parents.
However, in order to make it more interesting for us children, there are some great Theo Klein items listed below with which we can pretend preparing the soup at the same time and also help diligently.
Cooking together makes even more fun.

So, let’s get to the vegetables!

Let’s start with the carrots and potatoes. First you have to peel them and then cut the carrots into slices and the potatoes into pieces.

Boil the vegetable consommé in a large pot. Then add the peas, carrots slices and potato pieces and cook altogether for about 30 minutes, until it is all soft.

Although the sausage is still missing, I really want to taste the soup now.
Hmmmm … it tastes quite good, but we should add just a little sugar and salt.

Now you can take a part of the soup out of the pot and puree the vegetables with a hand blender so that the soup will be a bit creamy and more intensive. Mix the pureed part with the rest and taste again. Mhmm…maybe you need to add a little salt.

Then you set the stove on small heat, stir in the parsley and add (finally!) the sausages so that they can get warm.

For all vegetarians, you can certainly also prepare the soup without sausages.

“I am so hungry now and can’t wait to eat my pea soup. Enjoy it!”

Lovely greetings and take care!

Your Mummelmouse